
16. April 2013

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky: Ellie Lume

Von Ekkehard Knörer

Ignatiy Vishnevetsky, der sicher zu den interessantesten US-Filmkritikern gehört und auch schon für cargo schrieb, dreht jetzt selbst einen Film. Vorläufiger Titel: Ellie Lume. Mittellang, quasi ohne Budget, von eigenem Geld, zum Inhalt verrät er dies: «This script is a drama with supernatural undertones—not realistic, but about emotionally real stuff. It’s sort of my take on M.R. James or Sheridan Le Fanu. When we began work on this project, I described it to the cast as ‹a ghost story without a ghost›, and I stand by that description. I’m not going to tell you much about the plot besides that; I like unpredictable movies and this will (hopefully) be an unpredictable movie. What I can tell you, however, is that it's going to be a plotty, talky picture and that it features some great actors, including Allison Torem, Stephen Cone, and Mallory Nees. A lot of it takes place at night. There are some funny parts. There will be many shots of hands.»

Wenngleich Ignatiy also die Produktion aus eigener Tasche bezahlt, kann man ihn doch finanziell unterstützen: «Even if you donate just $1, it’ll help pay for materials for a prop or buy a crew member a much-needed cup of coffee. It might go toward paying for an extra memory card or an extra battery, or help pay for the rental of an extra microphone.» Und zwar bei Gofundme, geht auch mit deutscher Kreditkarte – und schon für 10 Dollar bekommt man am Ende einen Link zum Stream des Films. Also!